Unleash the Power – A Comprehensive Guide to Using Ogre Horns in Baldur’s Gate 3

In the perilous realm of Faerûn, Baldur’s Gate 3 presents an immersive RPG experience where strategic combat plays a pivotal role. Among the arsenal at your disposal, the Ogre Horn emerges as a potent tool capable of turning the tide of battle in your favor. This guide will delve into the intricacies of using Ogre Horns, empowering you to harness their formidable might effectively.

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Ogre Horns: Origins and Properties

Ogre Horns, as the name suggests, are obtained from slain Ogres, fearsome creatures known for their immense strength and resilience. These horns possess a unique property that grants the bearer the ability to cast the spell “Summon Ogre.” This potent spell conjures an allied Ogre to fight alongside your party, providing invaluable support during encounters.

Summoning an Ogre

To cast Summon Ogre, you must equip an Ogre Horn in your inventory. Once equipped, click the horn icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen. A target location will appear on the ground; select it to initiate the spellcasting process. Within seconds, a towering Ogre will materialize, ready to assist your party.

Ogre Abilities and Tactics

The summoned Ogre possesses remarkable combat abilities. Its primary attacks consist of devastating melee strikes that can crush enemy skulls with thunderous force. Additionally, Ogres can hurl boulders at distant foes, dealing significant damage.

When commanding your Ogre, consider the following tactics:

  • Melee Combat: Position your Ogre in the thick of battle, where it can engage multiple enemies at once.
  • Boulder Throwing: Utilize boulders to target ranged attackers or heavily armored enemies.
  • Taunting: Ogres have a high hit point pool and can effectively taunt enemies, drawing their attention away from your more vulnerable party members.

How to use Lump's Horn in Baldur's Gate 3
Image: segmentnext.com

Limitations and Considerations

While Ogre Horns offer formidable support, they come with certain limitations. Summoned Ogres have a limited duration; after a few turns, they will vanish and return to the plane of shadows. Additionally, the spellcasting cost of Summon Ogre is relatively high; consider using it strategically during crucial encounters.

Expert Insights and Tips

To maximize the effectiveness of Ogre Horns in combat, heed the insights of seasoned Baldur’s Gate adventurers:

  • Combine Summon Ogre with other support spells: Enhance the Ogre’s survivability and impact by casting spells like Enhance Ability (Strength) or Bless upon it.
  • Protect your Ogre: Place your party members around the Ogre to provide protection from enemy spells and attacks.
  • Use Ogre Horns in challenging areas: Summoning an Ogre during boss fights or against hordes of enemies can significantly increase your chances of victory.

How To Use Ogre Horn Bg3


Mastering the art of using Ogre Horns is a step towards conquering the many challenges that await you in Baldur’s Gate 3. Remember, each battle is an opportunity to refine your strategy and wield your Ogre Horn to devastating effect. Embrace the power of these horns, and may your adventures be filled with victory and glory.

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